George Beverly Shea is known as one of the greatest gospel singers ever. He is well known for his time with Dr. Billy Graham. Mr. Shea was 104 years old when he left this earth for his eternal reward in 2013. In 1932, he wrote one of my favorite songs. It was at a piano, using a poem, that he began to sing, “I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold. I’d rather have Jesus than riches untold.” It is a powerful song that should communicate the thoughts and feelings of everyone who knows Christ. It is undoubtedly how the Apostles felt. They sacrificed everything for Jesus and turned their known world upside down for Him. They were satisfied in Christ, as should all of His followers. Are you satisfied in Christ? Is Jesus enough for you? We turn to other things, trying to fill voids, satisfy hunger pangs, and ease pains. All we need to do is turn to Jesus and learn to be fulfilled in Him.
The disciples were not strangers to pain and loneliness. In John 13, we find the most famous supper in history taking place. At this supper, Jesus began to wash His disciple’s feet. It was also during this supper that He delivered some alarming news at the time. He lets them know that He will be leaving them and they will not be able to come with Him, at least not yet (John 13:31-36). You can guess how the disciples must have felt in this moment. Thoughts of dread, fear, and sorrow, among other things, must have set in. They began to be troubled. Jesus speaks to their hearts and directly to their feelings. He tells them, “Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me” (John 14:1 NASB). He continues to encourage them that they will be able to be with Him again one day, just not yet. He tells them of this place that He will prepare for them (John 14:2-5). Like anyone else, they quickly wanted to know how they could get to this place. The disciples desired not just for the site but to be with Jesus.
Thomas asked, “How do we know the way?” (John 14:5 NASB). Jesus’ response was and is controversial. It does not line up with political agendas. It does not align with Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, or Atheism. Jesus responded, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me” (John 14:6 NASB). As Christians, we should know and understand this piece of truth. If we are satisfied in Christ, we know and understand that He is the way, the truth, and the life. When we know this, we learn not to turn to everything else for solutions to the trials and problems we face. We can instead turn to Christ. No matter what we are dealing with, He is how we make it through. No matter what problems we face, He is the truth we need. He is the abundant life (John 10:10) we all need and long for. We don’t need more money or more time. We don’t need a new relationship or a new job. We just need Jesus! When we understand this truth, we can sing, “I’d rather have Jesus than anything…”
Satisfied in Christ,
Pastor Josh May
